Song: Dreaming of You (listen)
Album: The Coral (buy)
This is a bit of a cheap choice for me. This hasn’t been stuck in my head for the last week, I don’t find myself unconsciously singing it and neither do I imagine that my life is a music video of the song when I listen to it walking down the street (of course I never do that for any song, that’d be crazy). I know what you’re thinking, “JoewMo you may be god-like in many ways but not even you can disregard the closely held beliefs of this blog so callously.” Don’t worry, I am not so drunk on my own awesomeness that I would do such a thing because this song may not be THAT song currently for me but it was the first one to ever truly get under my skin and into my veins.
I liked music before this, mainly 70s and 80s rock that my dad listened to and I had begun to pick up on stuff that wasn’t 30 years old but then something strange began to happen. Suddenly there was this song that followed me everywhere I went, that seemed to be playing on the radio every time I turned it on or just seemed to be on every T.V. show. Nostalgia may have exacerbated the prevalence of this song in my life but at the time it just seemed like it was stalking me.
Despite the fact it was unerringly following me from place to place, I didn’t mind, in fact I wanted more. I wanted to put it on repeat and have it playing all the time in my life. There was something intoxicating about it, as soon as the throbbing bass line kicked in my life went momentarily into stasis and revolved around the music. It’s a very provocative song, managing to be very light and mellifluous while still getting forcing images to spiral into your head and tugging at the strings of your heart. I remember thinking every time I heard thing song, ‘This is an important song, it has some sort of significance in my life’. Still yet to figure out what it is.
Yours Autobiographically,
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