Song: The Sound
Album: Moody Motorcycle
Solitude can do strange things to a person. Even if it is not forced upon you, lack of communication with human beings invariably alters your thought patterns. Sometimes this can be in a positive manner such as giving you a new found appreciation for a song that you had previously ignored or sometimes negatively in that your sleep pattern becomes so erratic that the sunlight creeping through the slits in your blind conditionally makes you yawn and yearn for sleep.
So in a completely original, non-cliché’d move, the misanthrope turns their attention to music. To those blissful melodies which allow you to displace your burden giving you a gentle pat on the back and whispering to you “Don’t worry. It’ll be ok.” In some respects that’s what The Sound is to me. It’s those narcotic-like songs that remove you from reality and make you believe that the ‘cold death knell’ might not be so bad after all.
The haunting Beach Boys-esque harmonies combined with the light and jingly melody give a quite simple song the ability to be listened to over and over. You could imagine this song being played at the end of the film depicted your life, as you greet death like a old friend the camera pans out and the raspy opening chords kick in, letting the audience feel sad but ultimately assured that it was worth the time and effort.